Monday, February 14, 2011

Pup and Circumstance

We are so proud of Cider for graduating from her Petsmart Puppy Class. I was very nervous that she would not pass. She is a great pup but she has a serious case of attention deficit disorder. However, the fact that she passed, with flying colors might I add, is a testament that she can listen and obey (when she wants to).

She was tested on the following;
– Sit
– Wait
– Leave it
– Loose leash walking
– Come
– Roll over and shake

NOTE: The graduation cap pushes my limit for tolerance of dogs that are dressed up.

We have already begun her Intermediate class and look forward to even more improvement.

Enough said . . .

Gremlin strikes again!

Hockey the way it was meant to be played . . .

This past January, Alex participated in the National Pond Hockey Tournament. He was recruited by a team from St. Louis. They drove in the day before and the team met our neighborhood hockey rink.

It was incredibly cold . . . yet again. Despite how cold it was that weekend, it was a lot of fun. The people from St. Louis are a great group of people. They already recruited Alex for a pond hockey tournament in Wisconsin next year.