The last couple of weeks in December were very busy. We tried to fit in last minute shopping, getting the house ready for us to be gone (I like to come home to a clean house), and celebrating our Christmas together.
I was determined to do more decorating this year with the tree. I got a little crazy with buying ornaments and tree trimmings, but I think it was worth it. I was really happy with how it turned out.
Owning a home has brought out the domestic side of me. All I really wanted for Christmas was a sewing machine. I work with some of the most creative people I have ever worked with and they are always making things on their sewing machines. I am constantly inspired by them, and love what they can do. I felt like I could do it too, I just needed a sewing machine. So my fabulous fiance bought me a sewing machine.
There are a lot of projects that I have in mind. Primarily wedding projects. I can make a lot of things cheaper than renting or purchasing.
This year we decided to check out the Holiday Lights in the Park in St. Paul. For some reason, I always have grand visions of these things, thinking it is going to be much better than it really ends up being. We still had fun driving through the park and checking out all of the light displays.
We made crab legs and Red Lobster biscuits for a tasty Christmas dinner. I always like crab legs because Alex cracks them open for me. It is a very easy meal for me to eat. I have to admit, it just isn't the same celebrating Christmas a week early. Plus it would be fun to actually celebrate with a white Christmas in Minnesota. Maybe next year . . .